Charter lodí v Řecku a dluhová krize


 Greek Sun Not In CrisisV těchto dnech nám mnohé řecké charterové firmy zasílají zprávy, ve kterých ujišťují všechny naše jachtaře, zvláště zájemce o charter v Řecku, že se nemusí ničeho obávat. Charterový trh je v Řecku v rukou soukromých firem a mnohdy se jedná o rodinné firmy, jako např.charterová firma Kekeris yachts. Nejsou navázány na stát, pouze musí platit daně jak stanoví stát. Zdůrazňují, že si váží svých klientů a jsou připraveny i nadíle poskytovat co nejlepší služby.Nadále přijímají platby kauce kreditními kartymi, také řecká ministrině turistiky paní Kountoura ujišťuje zahraniční turisty, že opatření omezující výběry z bankomatů, se nebudou týkat zahraničních turistů...... 

   Naši partneři z Kekeris yachts píší:

Dear friends,
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our family company will always continue to provide the best service to its clients under all circumstances. We ensure you that the situation is completely under control and there will not be any kind of problem with all the upcoming charters with our company. The credit cards of the clients will be accepted, they can withdraw money from the cash machines normally and also there is fuel availability all over Greece exactly as before. As you are already aware, Kekeris Yachts is a family company with privately owned fleet as well as with its owned technical company - Alpha Yacht Technical Management - with yachts' spare parts available 24h per day. That means we have complete autonomy and flexibility, so we are not combined with the current economic difficulty of the Greek state. We absolutely love our job and remain always focused to our goals! We would like to thank you very much for your continuous support to our company! Be sure that we work hard to be worthy of the trust you show us! 
   Below we also forward you the official press release from the ministry of tourism: "The Ministry for Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism would like to inform visitors to Greece that capital controls introduced by the Greek Goverment do not apply to those wishing to withdraw money from an ATM or carry out any other type of transactions using credit or debit cards issued abroad.
Moreover, the Ministry does not anticipate any disruptions in visitor's every day holiday experience, neither in the islands nor in mainland Greece, as there are adequate fuel supplies, products and services. Greece continues to guarantee the highest quality of tourism services to its visitors, who have ranked Greece as one of the best destinations worldwide. The Deputy Minister for Tourism, Mrs Elena Kountoura, as a member of the Greek Government, said that Greece still is and will always be a favourite destination for holidaymakers. Visitors currently in Greece as well as people planning to visit Greece will not be affected by the latest developments and they can continue to enjoy their holidays in Greece without any problems whatsoever".
Best regards,
Kekeris Yachts Team 

info: Yachtmen charter, s.r.o., e mail:, tel.: +420 606 351 536 

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  • Yachtmen charter, s.r.o. , Nad Přehradou 408, Praha 10, 109 00
  • Telefon: +420 606 351 536
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